Tuesday, August 14, 2007

my wedding staffs....

Cool New Graphics - MySpace/Friendster


slept quite early yesterday nite...i think ard 10pm plus ba...cos not feeling so well...having a veri bad headache, dw with a bit fever...now?...feelin much better le..no more headache but still body a bit feverish....hm...drank quite a lot of water...or mayb not enough? "yucks..i hate to drink plain water"...(for those of u who noe tht)....."yucks".....hmmm.....but "bo bian leh"...force myself to drink...."yucks"....(rollin eyes).....

yippy...(clappin hands)...finally got all those traditional staffs for my wedding...my "jia chuan"...went "you che he" to quite a few places...on sun..my bil drive us ard lookin for my wedding staffs...finally got to buy it at Chinatown area....yippy...it's veri interesting wor...gettin all those staffs....

got ask a few frens..abt where to get those traditional staffs...
"thks...my dearie frens...for advising me where to get it...tks for the infor..."


here u go....my wedding thgy...heehee...

teochew traditional...staffs need to get for wedding...married off "nui er"...

ooh...my face....start peelin le...bit by bit...lil by lil...hmm...pretty stubborn ha..my face...cos..as understand from my sis,,,,mine conditions seems quite slow....oops...think need quite some time b4 my face realli recon...and mayb need another one or two mths for it...totally recon...arrgg...."pengz"...heehee... ;p

name lists....still workin on it...head big big....songs...hee..still haven source..onli got one song on hand nia...hee.. ;p

mood :

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